Position System
annual salary system
employee researcherG4
seniority SeniorResearcher
responsibility SeniorResearcher
Top SeniorResearcher
payroll system
TopEvaluation system
It consists of an achievement evaluation that evaluates
an individual's work achievement and a competency
evaluation that evaluates an individual's competency level.
Compensation System
Reasonable compensation is provided according to the performance-based
compensation system, and effective motivation is supported through
management performance (PS), individual performance (PI), and various reward systems.
Fixed Salary

Basic salary
Avoiding a seniority-based reward system,
We implement a wage system that applies
roles, duties, and performance levels.

Basic salary
Avoiding a seniority-based reward system,
We implement a wage system that applies
roles, duties, and performance levels.
Variable Pay

Job grade
Job wages are paid according to position,
duties, and qualifications

PS(Profit Sharing)
Management incentives are paid to all executives
and employees according to the company's
management performance.(profit distribution type)

PI(Performance Incentive)
Individual incentives are paid according to the
achievement of organizational and individual goals.
(linked to individual performance)

Various reward systems
We operate a reward system for excellent
employees ∙ long-term employees ∙ job inventors ∙
excellent proposers